Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Short Film Ideas - Penny

Another rough short film idea I had was a film about a penny. Following a penny or another inanimate object for a day through different scenarios it gets itself into. For instance the penny travelling round the streets of London, being kicked by different people rolling into the street but narrowly missing getting run over by a car. Following it's journey, then at the end once it's finished rolling it gets picked up by someone, maybe a child and they give it to a homeless man. The moral of the story is that no matter how small something is, or worthless to some people it may have meaning or worth to others. Then at the end of the film as the child drops the penny into the homeless man's cup he looks up and smiles as although many would have left the penny or kept it to themselves, giving it to the homeless man made his day even though it is not much, it is something.

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